Monday 15 October 2012

Day 21 & 22

Well, one more day of P2!

I am 133.6 lb and PROUD.

Look at me!

I've been doing ALOT of cabbage meals, and cucumber meals...

<3 <3 <3 progress... nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING tastes as good as fit feels

P3 = Paleo and I cannot wait!

Saturday 13 October 2012

Days 18 - 20

Stalled at 134.6 lb :/

Ok, here are some theories:

  • I changed to sublingual. The shots worked so well :(
  • I spent these days in San Antonio and had one meal which was not on protocol :(

Now, mind you, I was well prepared for my San Antonio trip - I cooked up a storm the night before to carry these packed dishes, along with some amazing apples:

Anyhoo... I stuck to protocol... with the exception for one day - at lunchtime, I had some avocado salad with grilled chicken breast. Then, after dinner, I had some wine and then some vodka tonics :(

So! I head back to Houston after my little trip and the first thing I do is go to Central Market for some more apples and some seedless cucumbers. What did I cook for dinner? "Spaghetti and Meatballs" of course!

Man, cutting up that cucumber thinly was SO time consuming,... I so cannot wait for that spiral cutter thingie I ordered from Amazon :) To make ANYTHING like spaghetti :D yey! Go go Paleo!

I added some ground masala to those little minced chicken "meatballs" :) And cooked the "spaghetti" for like 5 mins with a little salt and pepper for taste. It was so good and within HCG protocol!

Today, I had a tough day (first, I was ultra weak in spin, then I spent way too much money on furniture) and by the time I got home, my creative juices wore thin and I just made a 3-egg-white scramble with shredded cabbage. Slice some strawberries on the side, et voila - late lunch:

Dinner? Same same... shredded cabbage with the left over minced chicken from Friday night - again, masala and a maggi-cube added for flavour (and to make me seem like a good cook :)):

I snacked on an apple before dinner... Dear Lord, please let me break out of this stall :(

Come on, 133!!


Wednesday 10 October 2012

Day 17

So, like I said, I started working out as my usual self and regime again - some cardio, and at least one major body part weight lifting.

134.6 lb this morning :)

Slower weight loss, but I ran out of injectables early (I guess I overdosed? Mixed wrong? I dunno) and now taking sublingual - not a fan. Anyways!

I felt for a semi-rice dish, so what did I do? I bought cabbage, chopped it up so small it resembled rice, and "sautéd" in some water with garlic, onions, Trini curry powder and some chopped, cooked shrimp:

Stir fry, anyone? :)


Tuesday 9 October 2012

Day 15 & 16

135.6 and 135.0 lbs respectively :)

I haven't weighed this much in YEARS - go hcg!

Here's what I had for dinner:

Trinidadian curry shrimp with arugula!

Now, I know I need to get a bit more creative - spinach, arugula... sheesh. I PROMISE tonight will be different :) PROMISE!

Shed weight - shed!


Sunday 7 October 2012

Day 13 & 14

136.4 lb and 135.8 lb respectively!

Whooooo hoooo!

I had senna tea to - ahem - empty the tank, and continued on with my diet as per usual AND working out again!

I'm still enjoying my food porn, the latest of which is an adaptation of a recipe I found from researching Paleo food - scotch eggs:

Aaannnnndddd... I had a date that landed me in a sushi restaurant - I had cucumber salad and sashimi (mmm mmm good) while I eyed his seaweed salad. So... obviously, the next day I go to Whole Foods (cuz that's the hip place - Central Market is "soooo yesterday" according to my gay eyelash technician) and grab me some readymade seaweed salad and some cajun spiced shrimp:

On another note, I cannot WAIT to start eating seeds and go PALEO! Come oooooon Phase 3!


Friday 5 October 2012

Day 12

Gain... my first gain.

And I am sad about it. :(

Am I eating too little? Working out too little? What the what?!

Weight this morning: 137.4 lbs.

Anywho - what did this do for me?

This, together with my research on living a Paleo lifestyle, has brought me to the conclusion that I need to do ME... so I'm back hitting the gym hard from tonight and tomorrow, and being a bit more adventurous with the meals.

As we speak, I r cooking some scotch eggs - hcg and paleo style :)

Lookie lookie:


Thursday 4 October 2012

Day 11

137 :(

Sigh :(

I ran for 45 mins yesterday :(

Dear God please let tomorrow be different.

I didn't workout today... nor did I have lunch (other than 2 apples).

Tonight I had a date and had a greek salad with grilled chicken... from the amazing Niko Niko's (YUP!!! As featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives!)

But... no weight loss has me feeling blue.

Tomorrow, please be kind to me.


Wednesday 3 October 2012

Day 10

137.0 lbs!!

Crazy - I swore today I'd not lose.

I have to admit, I'm getting worried... on the evenings, I can weigh up to 2 lbs more... I dunno what tomorrow will bring.

So scared, that after having this dinner (3 days in a row):

I did 45 mins of cardio (run / walk).

Please, dear Lord, let me see 136.something tomorrow!


Tuesday 2 October 2012

Day 9

So I'm on a course for the next 2 days... my fear? The food. They will cater for us, and I need to be careful.

What did I have? They were amazing to cater a fresh salad, fresh steamed veggies and grilled chicken and beef. I had small amounts of all of the above.

I got home early (4pm) and decided to be productive - I started with taking out all the clothes I had from Qatar still in boxes and go through them to bag 'em and head on off to Goodwill for some donatin':

Before heading out, I cooked jerk seabass and steamed asparagus:

It was great! I love love love seabass.

I thought I'd make a quick walking workout at the downstairs gym so I geared up for the gym and started with the first 2 bags. WHAT A WORKOUT! I then came back for the next 4... I walked so much around my apartment complex with these heaving bags, that I just didn't bother to workout :)

I did, however, come back slightly hungry, and even though I shouldn't eat at night, this is the MONSTER I had at 9pm:

Ended the night with a half cup of senna tea and knocked out.

What a great day.

Oh, weight today?

137.8 lb! 0.8 lb down again!  YEY!


Monday 1 October 2012

Day 8

So I had two missed days - right? Cuz of my monthly visit. 

Well, what did I do?

I grabbed a starbucks medium roast, a bottle of water and a change of clothes and headed north to Dallas... more specifically... to SIX FLAGS! Yey!

I got hungry by midday when I got there, so I had a chicken salad (no dressing ma'am? you sure?) and some Dasani and then hit the rides... in the downpour of rain :) BY MYSELF!

Casa Bonita!

I then spent the night an a distance cousin / friend's place in McKinney... she wanted to know what she could cook for me... and I got grilled tilapia with broccoli. She wants to be on the diet now... :)

I shopped til I dropped at the outlet mall in Allen and then headed home. I needed to find something to eat quick since it was already close to 2pm and I hadn't eaten (mind you - no injections on these two days). So I stopped for a Jersey Mike's salad bowl and well, truth is, there was some cheese atop the grilled chicken, and I ate it :(

However! I weighed this morning... the official day 8 and.... 138.8 lb! Yey!

I'm having my morning coffee, I had made a great Central Market grocery last night, so I can't wait to come home and cook, and excited what tomorrow brings.

Keep on meltin'!